How can charities continue to serve the increasing needs of financially challenged families during a recession that reduces donations and government supports?

Parents Engaged in Education
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Emily Masching (Employer Account)
Director of Product
Academic experience
100 hours of work total
Ontario, Canada
Advanced level

Project scope

social work economics operations innovation research

Help an educational organization help children from financially challenged families thrive. The Education Bank is an Ontario-based organization that provides free materials and supplementary learning opportunities to financially challenged children/youth - however, like most charities today, the effect of a strained economy has significantly reduced donations. What steps can be taken to secure sufficient operating revenue to continue operations for the 1500 kids that rely on the Education Bank’s services?


The challenge for this project is to research private and public funding opportunities in order to facilitate innovative opportunities and initiatives that offer tangible and equitable assistance to racialized and refugee children/youth during a clawback in funding and in-kind support from regular donors. The research team for this challenge might have an interest or specialization in education, social work, economics, and business.


To be determined by project partner - placeholder text here for now

To be determined by project partner - placeholder text here for now

To be determined by project partner - placeholder text here for now

Supported causes

The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.

No poverty

About the company

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Education, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

Parents Engaged in Education was formed by committed parent leaders, teachers and principal who are focused on providing resources to school councils across the province of Ontario.

We are also exploring new ways to engage parents and excite them about becoming involved in their children’s education.

Our mission is to empower parents with the skills and knowledge to not only support their own child, but, to make the educational experience at school better for all children.

The education world is changing at an ever faster pace and we need parents that feel confident in supporting their children in this challenging world.